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Elissa's Top Tip #1 - Having 4 children diagnosed with diabetes, it was important for me to instil positivity & the message that diabetes doesn't stop them from doing anything.
How can I help my son feel as if it's not missing out on Easter?
Your child will slowly become more independent in managing their Diabetes. However it's important to have measures in place to avoid more frequent hypo's
Do you have a BGL testing routine? Elissa Renouf explains how she managed night testing for 4 boys. It is important to maintain the testing routine throughout the night in order to keep BGL's in the...
Sometimes you or you child may not agree with your diabetes health plan from your provider, Elissa shares tips on ways to help stay on track with your type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Sending your child off to school with diabetes is scary, it's important to help your child's teachers and staff understand their condition and how to manage it by putting steps in place. This should include hypo...
Helping your child manage their Type 1 diabetes can be exhausting. Between blood glucose testing, Insulin pumps and diet it's important parents take time out to relax.
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