Parenting – What’s Best For Your Child and What’s Best For You

Living with Diabetes: Challenges and the Role of Diabetes Products


Diabetes is a prevalent and serious health condition affecting millions of people worldwide. There are two primary types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These conditions present unique challenges and can significantly impact...


The Best Insulin Pump Belt for Travelling: Easing the Travails of Diabetes

Living with diabetes presents its own set of challenges, and these challenges can become more pronounced when travelling. Whether it's for business or leisure, being away from your usual routine and resources can make managing diabetes...

Understanding the Importance of Medical Tags for Diabetics: A Comprehensive Guide

Living with diabetes comes with its unique set of challenges, and one crucial aspect of managing this condition is ensuring your safety and wellbeing in case of emergencies. Medical tags for diabetics, often in the form...

Diabetes Checkup Butterflies

Finding out your kids’ HbA1c results and how well controlled their sugars have been can be really nerve-wracking. Here, Elissa Renouf gives helpful tips and hints on how to stay calm and help your child manage...

Coping with a Type 1 Diagnosis

Having a child diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes can be an overwhelming and devastating time for the whole family. Elissa Renouf shares some tips and advise on how she dealt with 4 type 1 diagnosis'.

Christmas with Diabetes – Staying in control

For people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes Christmas time can be hard. However it is okay to indulge in treat foods in moderation as long as BGL's and Insulin levels are monitored closely.

Bad HbA1c results? Finding out why is the key

Bad HbA1c results? Type 1 diabetes is a lot of work, this is why parents and children must work together to effectively manage their diabetes.